Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 4:20

And Adah bore Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and [of such as have] cattle.

20. Jabal ] The meaning of this name is doubtful. Dillmann conjectures “a wanderer.” Jabal, like Abel (see note, on Gen 4:2), is a founder of the shepherd’s and herdsman’s life.

father of ] i.e. the founder, or originator, of nomad life. To the Hebrews, to live in tents was the alternative to life in the village or the town. It is strange to find that tent life is here placed later than the building of a town ( Gen 4:17).

such as dwell in tents, &c.] Literally, “such as dwell in tents and cattle”; i.e. those who wander about, occupied in the care of flocks and herds, and pitching their camps at different places. The eldest brother represents the Bedouin chieftain, the second brother represents the arts of primitive pastoral life, the third brother represents the most necessary industry.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

Verse 20. Jabal – was the father] The inventor or teacher, for so the word is understood, 1Sa 10:12. He was the first who invented tent-making, and the breeding and managing of cattle; or he was, in these respects, the most eminent in that time. Though Abel was a shepherd, it is not likely he was such on an extensive scale.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

He taught shepherds to dwell in tents, and to remove them from place to place, for conveniency of pasture. The first authors or inventors of any thing are commonly called its fathers. And he was the inventor of the art of keeping and managing cattle.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

17-22. builded a cityIt hasbeen in cities that the human race has ever made the greatest socialprogress; and several of Cain’s descendants distinguished themselvesby their inventive genius in the arts.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

And Adah bare Jabal,…. According to Hillerus m, this name, and Jubal and Tubal, after mentioned, all signify a river; why Lamech should call all his sons by names signifying the same thing, is not easy to say.

He was the father of such as dwelt in tents, and [of such as have] cattle: not in a proper sense the father of them, though his posterity might succeed him in the same business; but he was the first author and inventor of tents or movable habitations, which could be carried from place to place, for the convenience of pasturage for cattle: he was not the first that had cattle in his possession, or that first fed and kept them, for Abel, the son of Adam, was a keeper of sheep; but he was the first that found out the use of tents, and the pitching of them to abide in at proper places, so long as the pasturage lasted, and then to remove elsewhere; as we find in later times the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did, and as the Scenitae and Nomades among the Arabs, and who retain the same method of keeping cattle to this day; and so the words may be rendered according to Bochart n and Noldius o,

“he was the father of such that dwell in tents “with” cattle.”

Heidegger p thinks this Jabal to be the same with Pales, the god of shepherds q, to whom the Palilia were sacred with the Heathens; and that from Jabal may be formed “Bal”, leaving out the “jod”, as is sometimes done, and by adding the termination, it will be “Bales”, and by changing the letters of the same organ, “Pales”.

m Onomastic. Sacr. p. 35, 45, 349. n Hierozoic. par. 1. l. 2. c. 44. col. 466. o Ebr. Part. Concord. p. 273. No. 1196. p Hist. Patriarch. Exercit. 6. sect. 11. q Vid. Servium & Probum in Virgil. Georgic. l. 3. ver. 1.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

20. Jabal; he was the father of such as dwell in tents. Moses now relates that, with the evils which proceeded from the family of Cain, some good had been blended. For the invention of arts, and of other things which serve to the common use and convenience of life, is a gift of God by no means to be despised, and a faculty worthy of commendation. It is truly wonderful, that this race, which had most deeply fallen from integrity, should have excelled the rest of the posterity of Adam in rare endowments. (251) I, however, understand Moses to have spoken expressly concerning these arts, as having been invented in the family of Cain, for the purpose of showing that he was not so accursed by the Lord but that he would still scatter some excellent gifts among his posterity; for it is probable, that the genius of others was in the meantime not inactive; but that there were, among the sons of Adam, industrious and skillful men, who exercised their diligence in the invention and cultivation of arts. Moses, however, expressly celebrates the remaining benediction of God on that race, which otherwise would have been deemed void and barren of all good. Let us then know, that the sons of Cain, though deprived of the Spirit of regeneration, were yet endued with gifts of no despicable kind; just as the experience of all ages teaches us how widely the rays of divine light have shone on unbelieving nations, for the benefit of the present life; and we see, at the present time, that the excellent gifts of the Spirit are diffused through the whole human race. Moreover, the liberal arts and sciences have descended to us from the heathen. We are, indeed, compelled to acknowledge that we have received astronomy, and the other parts of philosophy, medicines and the order of civil government, from them. Nor is it to be doubted, that God has thus liberally enriched them with excellent favors that their impiety might have the less excuse. But, while we admire the riches of his favor which he has bestowed on them, let us still value far more highly that grace of regeneration with which he peculiarly sanctifies his elect unto himself.

Now, although the invention of the harp, and of similar instruments of music, may minister to our pleasure, rather than to our necessity, still it is not to be thought altogether superfluous; much less does it deserve, in itself, to be condemned. Pleasure is indeed to be condemned, unless it be combined with the fear of God, and with the common benefit of human society. But such is the nature of music, that it can be adapted to the offices of religion, and made profitable to men; if only it be free from vicious attractions, and from that foolish delight, by which it seduces men from better employments, and occupies them in vanity. If, however, we allow the invention of the harp no praise, it is well known how far and how widely extends the usefulness of the art of the carpenter. Finally, Moses, in my opinion, intends to teach that that race flourished in various and preeminent endowments, which would both render it inexcusable, and would prove most evident testimonies of the divine goodness. The name of “the father of them that dwell in tents,” is given to him who was the first inventor of that convenience, which others afterwards imitated.

(251) “ Non poenitendis dotibus, prae allis Adae posteris excelluisse.”

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary

20. Jabal father of tents cattle Though descended from a city-builder, he adopted the nomadic life; but, unlike Abel, who probably held to a settled habitation and kept only sheep or small cattle, Jabal led a wandering life, living in tents, which were easily pitched and easily removed from place to place. Thus he was the originator of genuine nomadic life.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

‘Adah bore Jabal, he was the father of those who dwell in tents and have domesticated animals.’

This is looking from the Cainite point of view. It may suggest that he invented the tent as opposed to more primitive shelters, but more probably that under him domestication of animals by the nomads of the line of Cain now began for the first time. Possibly, in view of Cain’s actions, the domestication of animals had been taboo, but now at last they feel it is time the result of the curse was over.

Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett

Gen 4:20. Jabelthe father of such, &c. It is usual with the Hebrews to call him the Father, who is the inventor of any thing: and, indeed, the same manner of speaking was usual with the Greeks and Romans.

Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke

Gen 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and [of such as have] cattle.

Ver. 20. Adah bare Jabal. ] Jabal, a good husband. Jubal, a merry Greek; whence the word iubilo in Latin, and our English jovial. Jabal, that dwelt in tents, and tended the herds, had Jubal to his brother, the father of hand and wind music. Jabal and Jubal, frugality and mirth, good husbandry and sweet content, dwell together. Virgil makes mention of a happy husbandman in his time, who

“Regum aequabat opes animis, seraque reversus

Nocte domum, dapibus mensas onerabat inemptis.”

– Georg.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

Jabal = flowing.

and = the Figure of speech Zeugma. (App-6.) Supplied here by the italics.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

the: Gen 4:21, 1Ch 2:50-52, 1Ch 4:4, 1Ch 4:5, Joh 8:44, Rom 4:11, Rom 4:12

father: The inventor or teacher, 1Sa 10:12.

dwell: Gen 4:2, Gen 25:27, Jer 35:9, Jer 35:10, Heb 11:9

Reciprocal: Gen 13:5 – tents

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Gen 4:20. He (Jabal) was the father of such as dwell in tents That is, he taught shepherds to dwell in them, and to remove them from place to place for conveniency of pasture. The first authors of any thing are commonly called its fathers.

Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments