Intro: Ill. We are all the time categorizing people. We label them according to
economics, careers, etc. The Bible is a book that also categorizes men. It groups
into three categories: Natural, Spiritual, and Carnal. Everyone in this building
today falls into one of these three categories. You are in one of the three.
The primary purpose of the Bible is that God desires to reveal Himself to
fallen men so that He might enter into a relationship with them. His desire is that
men will come to know Him through His Son Jesus Christ, and that after they are
saved, they will grow up in him into mature Christians. Sadly, not everyone is
saved, and not all saved people are growing in Christ. Now, as I said, the Bible
offers a plan for growing into maturity. However, you must know where you are
before you can ever hope to go farther.
My desire in this message is to help you see which of these 3 Biblical
categories you fit into, and to help you grow from there. Notice with me the Road
Map To Maturity.
I. 2:14 THE NATURAL MAN (Lives Naturally)
A. He Is Depraved – Ill. Psa. 58:3; Isa. 48:8; John 8:44a (Ill. Eph. 2:3a)
The natural man is prone to sin. There is a bent in his nature toward evil.
(Ill. Water and electricity – The course of least resistance!) (Ill no good –
Rom. 3:10-12)
B. He Is Directed – Eph. 2:1-3 The natural mans life is out of his hands. He is
under the control of Satan and like a mindless puppet he carries out every
whim of the flesh and the devil! (Ill. John 8:44b)
C. He Is In Darkness – 2 Cor. 4:4 (Ill. Nicodemus – A teacher among the Jews,
but in the depths of darkness.) The natural man does not see his problem,
nor does he understand the things of God. (Ill. Receiveth = to welcome
He may appreciate some things about the church and worship, but spiritual
things will be pure foolishness to him – Ill. 1 Cor. 1:18.) (Ill. He doesnt
understand the people of God and he will criticize the things he doesnt
understand because they bother him and he doesnt know why!) (Ill. Like a
deaf man criticizing music or a blind man ridiculing art!) He is in the dark,
but Jesus can change all that – Ill. John 9:25!
D. He Is Doomed – Hell is his certain future! Psa. 9:17 (Ill. Born 1 die 2)
E. He Is Dead – While he lives and breathes, the natural man is in a perpetual
state of death. (Ill. What death is!) (Ill. A car with no battery!)
II. v.15-16 THE SPIRITUAL MAN (Lives Supernaturally)
(Ill. There is a vast difference between the natural man and the spiritual man.
The spiritual man has been born twice. He is in a living, growing, vibrant,
personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a result, he has the God given
capacity to live differently. Because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the
spiritual man is able to comprehend the spiritual things of God and it tells in
the way he lives his life – Ill. 1 Cor. 2:12-13)
A. He Lives By The Spirit – The spiritual man lives his life governed by the
rule of the Holy Spirit in his heart. He gets into the Word and allows it to
transform his life and he is different because of it – Ill. Psa. 119:105. (Ill.
Christians are not tadpoles! We have already been changed into princes by
the kiss of Gods amazing grace, but we are to make an effort! (Ill. The
Spirit will lead if we will allow Him to – John 16:13; Gal. 5:16.
B. He Learns From The Spirit – The spiritual man is able to receive the truths
of the Word. He is able to grasp spiritual things, he can understand the
Bible, he can enjoy the presence of the Lord. Gods truths are not
foolishness, they are food – Job 23:12 (Ill. When the treasure house of the
Word is opened, he gathers all he can and then he applies it to his life and
grows from it!)
C. He Is Liberated By The Spirit – The spiritual man is liberated from the
bondage to the flesh, the world and the devil because he is able to discern
the will of God by judging or examining everything by the truth of the
Word! Therefore, he is not easily squeezed into the worlds mold, Rom.
12:2, but he is a able to look at things through a different set of lenses. He
literally possesses the mind of Christ in His daily life! (Ill. He is always
misunderstood and thought to be crazy by the world!)
D. The spiritual man is literally filled with the Spirit of God. God controls
his mind, his heart, his hands, his feet, his tongue, his flesh, everything is
yielded to the control of the Spirit of the Lord! Nothing is held back from
the Lord!
E. Not many achieve this level of Christianity, but it should be the goal for
every sincere Christian! Are you here yet?
III. 3:1 THE CARNAL MAN (Lives Unnaturally)
(Ill. This type person is saved, yet mostly unchanged. He has never grown
in the Lord. He is always being defeated by the flesh, the world and the
devil. It is possible to be a Christian and be very carnal!)
A. He Is Defeated – There are three areas where his carnality continually shows
1. He Cant Walk Spiritually – Constantly losing the battle to the flesh, the
world and the devil.
2. He Cant War Spiritually – He isnt able to dress up in the whole
armor of God – Eph. 6:10-17. Some of the pieces are missing and the
ones he does have, he doesnt know how to use! He cant fight evil! He
is always beaten!
3. He Cant Work Spiritually – This type person is not much use to the
Kingdom. The carnal Christian doesnt win souls, support the church
with his presents or his presence, doesnt teach, and never becomes
actively involved! He is always riding around on the effort of others.
B. He Is Dependent – 3:2 (Ill. Must always be spoon fed)
The carnal Christian is totally dependent on others for any spiritual
nourishment he receives. He cant teach, he must always be taught, (Ill.
Heb. 5:12-14!) He cannot serve, but must be served. He cannot glean
spiritual truth for himself, the pastor must spoon feed him when he shows up
for church. He is helpless. Spiritually speaking, he is a baby! (Ill. The
monstrosity of not growing!)
C. He Is Divisive – 1 Cor. 3:3-7) (Ill. The troubles at Corinth!)
The carnal Christian is always looking for a fight. They are willing to tear
the church to pieces over any silly, immature issue that comes to mind.
They are easily offended and quick to defend rights that they have never
earned for themselves. This type of person is to be watched very, very
D. There are many, many carnal Christians in churches today. If you are one,
please let me remind you that Jesus did not save you to stagnate. He saved
you to serve Him. Today would be a very good time for you to throw off the
works of the flesh, old carnal attitudes, laziness, or whatever it is that has
caused you to become carnal and get right with the Lord.
Conc: What type of person are you? You know, now what do you need to do? If
natural, be saved. If spiritual, keep growing. If carnal, repent and change for His