Intro: I believe the Bible. I believe in taking this book literally. Therefore, I believe in a literal place called Hell. We talked about that place last Sunday. I also believe in a literal place called Heaven. Some people think we are foolish to believe in some city far above the earth, where people are happy, holy and home. I may be foolish for believing that, but I am in good company! Jesus believed it. Paul, John and the rest of the disciples believed it. Countless millions of precious saints have entered death longing to go to that city. You might want to get the net, but I still believe in Heaven.
D.L. Moody said, “The thought of Heaven has cheered the soul of many believers. Some say that we are fools to believe in Heaven. But, to deny Heaven is to deny Jesus, for He came from Heaven, it is to place our departed loved ones in the cold dark grave, it is to deprive millions of Christians of the greatest hope they have. To deny Heaven is equal to murder for it kills hope, to thievery for it robs joy, to slander because it calls God a liar.
Just as we looked at a horrible place called Hell last week; I want to preach today about A Wonderful Place Called Heaven. Now, I am not so foolish to believe that I can do adequate justice to that place, but I want to give it a noble effort. Let’s consider some aspects of A Wonderful Place Called Heaven.
(What Do We Know About That Place?)
A. It Is A Prepared Place John 14:2 Ill. Creation, John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17, and the fact that it is marred by sin. Imagine what Heaven will be like. (Ill. Prepare Speaks of the man who went before the king to make sure the way was clear. Ill. A bridegroom making everything ready for his bride. Jesus Has cleared the way and made ready the place.)
B. It Is A Perfect Place Rev. 21:4; 9-21 None of the things that hinder here will enter there. (Sea, v. 1; Tears, v. 4; Pain, v. 4; Sorrow, v. 4; Crying, v. 4; Sin, v. 8, 27; Satan, v. 8, 27; Temple, v. 22; Sun, v. 23; Night, v. 25; Curse, v. 22:3.) (Ill. Heaven will be glorious! Not just for all that is there, but for what isn’t!) (Ill. The sorrows of this life.)
C. It Is A Pleasant Place Rev. 21:22-27 Ill. The size, the appearance and all that will be missing in glory. (Ill. 1500 miles on each side! Walls 216 feet high. Gates of pearl. Walls of jasper. Foundations of twelve precious stones. Streets of pure gold.) (Ill. John is attempting to describe the indescribable.)
D. It Is A Permanent Place 1 Pet. 1:4 Everything in this world is fading away. That world is free from decay, destruction and degeneration. The Bible uses four phrases here to describe Heaven. It is “incorruptible. It will never be invaded by enemies, Matt. 6:19-20. It is “undefiled. It cannot be “soiled or stained. It is free from the taint of sin and corruption of sin. It is a place that “fadeth not away. Unlike any place or thing in this world, Heaven cannot decay or wear away. It is “reserved. It is guarded and kept under lock and key for us! Heaven is there to stay, Psa. 145:13.
(Ill. While I do not claim to know much about Heaven, I do know this: The One Who died for me on the cross will be there and I will see Him when I get there and that is enough for me! Ill. The dying man who asked his Christian doctor to tell him something about Heaven.)
(What Do We Know About The Population?)
A. They Are A Redeemed People Rev. 21:24; Psalm 107:2; Eph. 1:6-7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19; Rev. 5:9 Heaven will be populated only by those who have been to Jesus for the cleansing power.
B. They Are A Resurrected People 1 Thes. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:42-56 Heaven will be populated by those who have been delivered from the grip of death and the grave. (Il. The souls of the departed ones are there today. But, no one in Heaven is in their final form. One day, the souls in glory will receive their glorified bodies!)
C. They Are A Rescued People John 14:3; 1 Thes. 4:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:51-52 Heaven will be filled with people who never had to go through the doorway of death.
D. They Are A Resting People Rev. 14:13 Free from the burdens, care and labors of this life.
E. They Are A Rejoicing People Rev. 4:1-11; 5:11-14; 7:9-17 Every glimpse into Heaven reveals the same thing: rejoicing!
(What Do We Know About The Path To That City?)
A. It Is A Plain Path John 14:6; Acts 16:31; 1 John 5:12; John 8:24 The Bible is clear about the road to glory. There are only two ways in life, Matt. 7:13-14, and you are on one path or the other!
B. It Is A Peculiar Path John 10:9; Acts 4:12; John 14:6b There are not many roads to that city. There is only one, and His name is Jesus. That may sound narrow, but it is still the truth!
C. It Is A Personal Path Rom. 10:9, 13; Luke 13:3; Pro. 9:12 No one can walk that path for you. You must take the step of faith for yourself. I would of it for you if I could, but I can’t. I took that step one day and so should you!
Conc: Ill. The lady who wanted to be buried with her fork. She knew The best was yet to come.”
How about you? When death comes for you, will you be ready to go to Heaven? Have you made your preparations to enter that city? Have you left the wide road and entered the narrow way through Jesus Christ? If you haven’t, you can and you can do it today. If you have, then hang on saints of God, the best is yet to come!
Do you have your ticket? Ready to travel? He’s coming to get His Bride!