God’s Promises Are Y2K Compliant – Hebrews 13:8 – Bible study


Intro: We are only 6 days away from the end of this millennium and the beginning of the next. We are only the 6th generation in the history of the world who has had the opportunity to see the change of a millennium. For some this is a time of excited anticipation because of what the future holds for humanity. For others, it is a time of fear and dread. For the last few years, we have been warned about an event known as the Y2K computer bug. In its simplest terms this refers to the way computers look at dates. When computers were first invented, the memory in which computer programs run was so expensive that early programmers saved every byte of memory possible. One way they found to save 2 bytes was to record only the last 2 digits of the year’s date. In other words, to the computer, 1980 became 80. The problem with this is that when the year changes to 2,000, many older computers will think that it is 1,900. Now no one knows what kind of problems this will create. Some have theorized that the world as we know it will end at the stroke of midnight this Saturday, with all of our computer systems failing, the power and phones shutting down and general chaos overcoming the world. Others think there will be moderate to major problems, such as power outages, food shortages and many, many computer related glitches, but that they will be resolved within a few months. Others believe that the problems will be so minor as to be no more than a mere nuisance. The fact of the matter is this, nobody on the face of this planet knows what will happen! Nobody!

Some Christians have equated the turn of the millennium with the end of the world. They believe that Jesus Christ will return on 1/1/2000 and the world will end. Many of these people have sold all they have and are waiting for the end as we speak. I, personally, do not know what is going to happen! However, I do know that not everything is going to breakdown come January 1. I do know that there are some things that will witness the change in millenniums and continue just as they are this morning.

So, on the brink of Y2K I want to bring a message of hope and comfort to the people of God. I want you to know that many things might go wrong within the next few months, but that there are some things that you can count on this morning and into eternity. There are some things that will never change regardless of what happens in this world. With that thought in mind, I would like to preach for a while this morning on this thought, “The Gifts Of God Are Y2K Compliant!” Allow me to share with you 5 gifts from the hand of the Lord that will witness the end of the 20th century and dawn of the 21st and will still function just fine after the ball drops in Times Square.


Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Heb 13:8

A. He Will Still Be Your Spokesman – 1 John 2:1; 1 Tim. 2:5; Rom. 8:34.

B. He Will Still Be Your Savior – John 6:37; 1 Pet. 1:5

C. He Will Still Be Special – (He will still have a Name that is above every name. Phil. 2:9-11! He will still be the Bread of Life, John 6:35; the Light of the world, John 8:12; the Door of the sheep, John 10:9; the Good Shepherd, John 10:11; the Resurrection and the Life, John 11:25; the Way, the Truth and the Life, John 14:6; the True Vine, John 15:1. He will still be all He ever was! He will still be the precious Lamb of God, Rev. 13:8. He will still be Jesus!

I. You Can Count On God’s Son


And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever” John 14:16

A. He Will Still Be There To Lead You – John 16:13

B. He Will Still Be There To Lift You – John 14:11

C. He Will Still Be There To Live In You – John 14:17-18; Eph. 5:18

I. You Can Count On God’s Son

II. You Can Count On God’s Spirit


Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matt 24:35

A. It Will Still Be Settled – Psa. 119:89

B. It Will Still Strengthen – 1 Pet. 2:2; Job 23:12

C. It Will Still Stabilize – Psa. 119:11; Eph. 4:13-14

D. It Will Still Sharpen – Psa. 19:7

I. You Can Count On God’s Son

II. You Can Count On God’s Spirit

III. You Can Count On God’s Scriptures


For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Mal 3:6

A. He Will Still Be Gracious – 2 Cor. 12:9

B. He Will Still Be Generous – Phil. 4:19; Psa. 37:25; Mal. 3:10

C. He Will Still Be Great – Job 42:2; Jer. 32:17; Mark 10:32

D. He Will Still Be God – Psa. 45:6; Psa. 145:13

I. You Can Count On God’s Son

II. You Can Count On God’s Spirit

III. You Can Count On God’s Scriptures

IV. You Can Count On God’s Sovereignty


Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” Heb 7:25

A. It Will Still Save – Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:13; John 3:16; Eph. 2:8-9

B. It Will Secure – John 6:37-40; John 10:28-29

C. It Will Still Satisfy – Psa. 107:9

Conc: I don’t know what will happen when the year changes. I do know, however, that I am not worried about what may happen! I know that God will still be in control of this world and of my life. What about you? Do you have the deep settled confidence that no matter what happens with Y2K, or out into the future, you are in a right relationship with God and that He will take care of you? If there are doubts about your salvation, or if you know that you are lost, I would invite you to come to this altar this morning and get that thing settled today. If there are fears and doubts about what the future holds, Jesus can give you peace in that area as well. As this year, this century and this millennium all draw to a close, we stand on the brink of an uncertain future from a human standpoint. However, from God’s standpoint everything is under control! Do you know that this morning? If you need Him, He is available for you.