Intro: Each of us possesses a name. It is a name given to us by our parents. Perhaps we were named after some relative, or we were just given a name that our parents liked. Whatever the reason and however you came by your name, there is probably no great significance behind your name or mine. (Just for the record, the name "Alan" means "handsome." You can figure out the significance of that for yourselves.)
In our text, we are told of a name that does have great significance. The name of Jesus stands out as a name above all other names. In the Bible, Jesus is given many names and titles. He is called:
He is Adam, Anointed, Apostle, Author, Amen, Alpha and Ancient of Days.
He is Beginning, Begotten, Beloved, Branch, Bread, Bridegroom, Bright and Morning Star, Bishop of our souls, Brightness of the Father’s glory.
He is Captain, Consolation, Chief Cornerstone, Counselor, Covenant, Chosen of God, Christ.
He is Daysman, Deliverer, Dayspring, Daystar, Door, Desire of all nations.
He is Elect, Ensign, Everlasting Father, Emmanuel.
He is Finisher of the faith, Forerunner, Friend, First Fruits, Faithful Witness, Fountain of life issuing from the cave of death.
He is God, the Gift of God, Governor, Guide, Glorious Lord.
He is Help, Hope, Husband, Horn of Salvation, Hearer, Head of the Church, Heir of all things, High Priest, Hell’s dread, Heaven’s wonder, the holy One.
He is I AM, Inheritance, Image of God’s Person, Immortal, Invisible.
He is Judah, Just, the Judge, Jesus.
He is King – King of Israel, King of Kings, King of glory, King everlasting.
He is the Life, the Light, Love, Lily, Love, Lion, Lamb, Lawgiver, The Living Stone, the Lord of glory.
He is Messenger, Messiah, Mediator, Master, Mighty God, Mercy’s Paradox.
He is a Nazarene.
He is the Offspring of David, Omega, Only Begotten of God, Offering, and Offerer.
He is Priest, Passover, Potentate, Prophet, Propitiation, Prince of life, Prince of peace, Physician.
He is Righteous, Rabbi, Ransom, Rest, Root of Jesse, Root of David, Refiner, Refuge, Resurrection, the Rose of Sharon blooming in the shades of Hell, Ruler, Redeemer, Rock of Ages.
He is Stone, Shepherd, Son of God, Son of man, Shield, Servant, Seed of the woman, Surety, Sufferer, Savior, Sinless Sacrifice, the Same yesterday, today and forever.
He is Teacher, Truth, Tabernacle, Testator, Treasurer, Tree of Life.
He is Witness, the Word, the Way, the Wisdom of God, the Wonderful.
In the words of the Bible He is the Fairest among ten thousand. He is the Altogether Lovely One.
Of all the names given to this man, none is as precious, as sweet or as majestic as the name Jesus. Tonight, I would like for us to look at The Name That Is Above Every Name. I would like to share three thoughts about this name that make it a name above every name.
(Ill. The name Jesus was very popular in that day. It was no different than any other name which could be given to children. Even in our day, in Latin America, the name Jesus is very common. While this is true, this is still the name chosen by the Heavenly Father for the Son to use during the time of His humiliation. Therefore, there must be something very special about this Name. I feel that it is special because:)
A. It Is A Name Picked By The Father – The name Jesus was not given to our Lord by Mary and Joseph. It was a name handpicked by God, Matt. 1:21. This alone makes it a name that stands out as special. A name that is worthy of further investigation.
B. It Is A Name That Points Back To The Father – The name Jesus means, "Jehovah Is Salvation." This precious, sweet name reveals a side of Jesus that many fail to grasp. While God is a God of wrath and judgment, He is purely and wholly love, 1 John 4:8; 16. God is love and everything He does is an outgrowth and an expression of His love. Therefore, when the Father sent Jesus to come into the world, He was sending a message to humanity. It was a message that said, "I have not forgotten, nor forsaken you. I love you and I give you my Son who will reveal me to you." (Ill. John 14:9)
C. It Is A Name That Paint’s God’s Portrait – The name Jesus at once reveals the Son’s mission, (Ill. Luke 19:10), and the Father’s heart, (Ill. 2 Pet. 3:9). God isn’t in the damning business. He is in the saving business! He wants no one to go to Hell. In fact, He tells us that hell was not made for the lost, it was made for the devil and his angels, Matt. 25:41. When the Father chose the name Jesus as the one His Son would bear during the time of His humiliation, He was telling every creature in His universe in one word that His goal was the redemption and salvation of mankind. This is what He wanted and this is what He accomplished through the Name of Jesus!
I. It is A Special Name
(Ill. To every other name could be attached a list of the good and evils done by that person. To the name of Jesus, however, can only be attached praise, honor and worship. The Bible tells us that when this name is heard, it is to be reverenced through praise and worship.)
This worship is to involve:
A. Humility – The bowing of the knee is a clear sign of humility and reverence. Christ is, and will be honored on three vastly different levels.
1. In Heaven – There the precious name of Jesus is honored as it is nowhere else. When the name of Jesus is heard in the heavenly realm, it is the catalyst for rejoicing and praise. In Heaven the name of Jesus is a constant source of praise, Rev. 4:7-11; Rev. 7:9-11; rev. 19:1-3.
2. In Earth – For most, the name of Jesus is nothing more than a by word. It is to be used like the words, damn, hell, and God. Yet, there are some who truly reverence the name of Jesus. When the sweet melody of this name is heard, the mind of the saint goes back to the hour when Jesus came in and lifted the weight of sin. Our minds return to the myriad of times Jesus has appeared upon the storms of our lives and has spoken peace to the billowing waves that have threatened our peace and sanity. While there are a few who love and worship that name, there is coming a day when the name of Jesus will be exalted throughout the entire earth. The day will come when the earth will bow at the sweet name of Jesus!
3. In Hell – While Jesus was here on earth, the demons gave Him deep respect and reverence, Ill. Mark 5:6; Luke 4:41; James 2:19. However, they still work against Him and try to overthrow His kingdom. They do this by promoting false systems of worship and by spreading liberal theology, but the day will come when all the demons of Hell, all the henchmen of Satan and even the devil himself will bow at the feet of Jesus and will confess Him to be Lord, Rev. 20:10. (Ill. Rom. 14:11 – I don’t know if the devil and demons have knees and tongues, but they will prostrate themselves before the Lord of Glory and they will exalt His name before they are consigned to an eternity in Hell!)
B. Honor – Not only will there be a bowing of knees before Jesus, but the name of Jesus will also be confessed by the lips of every creature. Men, angels and devils alike will join their voices in one mighty chorus and will together exalt the blessed name of Jesus Christ! I don’t know about you, but I look forward to the day when the universe is filled with the deserved praises of our holy and righteous Lord.
(Ill. This is why vocal praise is so vital and so important. When we publically exalt the name of Jesus, we are merely getting in on God’s plan for Jesus and for His people.)
I. It Is A Special Name
II. It Is A Stainless Name
A. The Meaning Of The Name – By its very definition, the name of Jesus speaks about salvation. The name means, "Jehovah Is Salvation." This is an appropriate name for the Lord because it is in His name and His name alone that salvation is to be found. May I remind you this evening that there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved, Acts 4:12. (Ill. Also John 3:36; John 14:6) (Ill. 1 Cor. 3:11; Luke 6:48-49)
B. The Ministry Of The Name – According to verse 5-8, this man named Jesus climbed Calvary and died for all men. He humbled Himself and He died in the sinner’s place. (Ill. During the Roman rule of Palestine, tens of thousands of Jewish men were crucified by the Romans. They crucified so many on one day that the soldiers ran out of wood. But, of all these who died on the Roman cross, none are remembered but this man named Jesus. All the others lie forgotten in their graves, but this man named Jesus, when He died, died in the place of others that they might live through Him.)
(Ill. The name of Jesus can be miss spoken by the sinner and will accomplish nothing more than making his day of judgment worse for the blaspheme of mistreating that hoy name. However, if that glorious name is spoken out of a heart of faith, then that same sinner can experience firsthand that salvation that is contained in that name.)
C. The Majesty Of The Name – These verses carry the sense that they are speaking to us about a man who is yet alive. Folks, we do not hang our futures, base our hopes or exalt the name of one who is dead. No, our Savior lives! (Ill. Rev. 1:18; Matt. 28:1-6.) (Ill. "Wherefore" in verse 9. This is why God has exalted this holy name. Jesus and Jesus alone entered this sin cursed world, stepped boldly into the gaping jaws of death and snatched victory from the icy grasp of death and defeat. Jesus and Jesus alone conquered death, Hell, the grave and sin for all men for all time. He is worthy of exaltation!)
Conc: Yes, there is something special about that name. Do you know Him this evening? Have you experienced the power behind the name? If you have, then you know why this is a name above every other name. You know why Jesus is exalted and why just the mention of that precious name can speak peace to the troubled, comfort to the hurting, life to the dead, joy to the sad, hope for the hopeless and glory to the saved soul. Do you need Him this evening? He is as close as the mention of His name – Isa. 55:6.